"Hi, I am checking to confirm whether you received my single "Cheatn on Da Back Street" . If you have not received it, please let me know and I'll get it to you. Thanks
Thanks much for the Greetings during this precious time of year.Ms.Adrena, what a compact disc;You're for real with the BLUES.......More often you create a buzz with a single and that's it,no such animal with you.Continue to do this thing,we call music.I've spoken to mom on several occassion regarding massive exposure to the world;the new year is here and see great things....the future seems very bright and properous for the ones that's in it for the journey.Hang on in there!!!!!!!J.Wesley Brown,111
Haven't been into this ning maze for a moment.Thank you for the cd,sounds great,seeking to duel with you on you in your turf Mississippi style;I'm not the artist,the promoter.Surely,the time is now for you step out with the album,girlfriend.Shall speak with mom regarding a select number of engagement in and around Alabama then reach to Memphis getting something started in the Blues.Certainly,you are not afraid to take it to the stage.Let's get started for 2011 is upon us....God Bless John W. Brown,111
Thanks for your friendship. My email is : doktorr77@gmail.com. I'd be happy to receive your music .
dj brown at nathanbrown2020@gmail.com