Mike Maro - "Seasons Change"


Mike Maro is an innovative London based Hip Hop artist who has gained a reputable following from his distinct freestyles. His musical journey began in a gospel led trio in his teenage years – inspired by American gospel singers Winans Phase 2. Spitting witty lines on alternate sounding beats, he has often been compared to Kendrick Lamar. Mike Maro is currently focused on releasing consistent original material and announcements of future public appearances will be made via his social platforms


Seasons Change is written and produced by Mike Maro. A song about a cheating ex-lover, the chorus itself is reminiscent of a lullaby and its theme - ‘most wounds heal as time lapse’. The melodious track was made on an iPad whilst on a family vacation. Rapping over acoustic guitar riffs and base, you hardly miss the kicks and drums present in a hip hop track. Due to this unique blend of acoustic rap and harmony, this track stands out as a unique version of its own kind. 


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