Sweet young thang; he's fine as winestays on my mind; don't know how profoundbut, deep down I'm astounded; don't wantto rob any cradles; feel'n emotions ladledNever heard his voice; chat ring'n loud andclear; is there something to fear; on my mindhe sounds sincere & kind; but, does anythinglurk behind closed blindsSweet young thang; whispers in my ear; whatdo I hear; whatever it is; its stir'n up intensefeelings; I almost have no defense; only aneed to quench; i'm lose'n strength; have toclench my womanly senseSweet young thang; body long'n for your touchloins flare'n; need something to clutch; a touchwould be ask'n for too much; don't know howto squelch the feel'n of lustSweet young thang; are you the tang that I'mseek'n to make my love life complete; will youbring about that tingle; make'n my body jinglewhen we commingleSweet young thang; don't tease me; if, youcan't please me; if, you can appease me; bringyour degrees with a guarantee of the way youwill please me, tease me as your manhood seize meSweet young thang; this is no game; my emotionsaren't on display; mentally & physically not to bebetrayed in any way; you will rue the day you useme just for your escapades; said I would nevergo that way; rock'n someone's cradle, anyway
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