I love my man, he adores mehe opens doors for me, he loves mehe never bores me, he draws me into himhis allure is so strong, makes me long for himHis sex appeal is so surreal; it totally thrills me,his love fills me; what he reveals to me,lets me know our love is real to methe look in his eyes; never denies meHe softly caresses my inner being as his lipsbrushes my cheek; cause'n me to reelfrom the way it makes me feel; his aura capturesmy soul; it makes me lose all self-controlHis passion for me is so eloquently displayedI can never deny him my love of him; I onlywant to extoll him; pedestal up high; reach'nthe heavenly skyMy emotional tie to him; is no whim;it stems from him be'n a precious gem;discovered from a treasure chest of buriedtreasure; uncovered by the love I have for himI can't get enough of him; I lose myself in himwrap my arms around him; make love to him as ifthere's no tomorrow; love of him is so intenseit leaves me in suspense of himTherefore I represent his love for me; it allowsboth of us to enjoy the true ecstasy of twolovers loving each other freely; in the throesof make'n love to him; he takes my breath awayExplore'n my body from head to toe; kiss'n &caress'n every inch of me; kiss'n spots I didn'tknow were erogenous; send'n me to heightsunknown to me; just love'n me completelyHe touches my G-Spot; make'n my heart stopsend'n wet sensations to my womanlypleasure spot; I softly moan as I kiss whathas me so hotMy body is so hot I start to tremble; hestarts to suck my toes; moving up to myinner thigh; slowly licks every inch ofme; he reaches my womanly slit I letout a moan; utter'n his name softly frommy wanton lipsStroke'n my clit with the flick of histongue; immediately I feel my wetnessagain; trail'n his tongue up my bodysearch'n for my erect nipples he gentlynips & sucks them & squeezes my amplebreastMy chest rises to catch my breath;baby, I must attest you're the best;your love is a lot to digest; I must confess;I lose all self-control when we don't restBaby, I do what I do bcuz I'm so in love withyou; your sweet love is all I know;feel'n him grow; my body reacts to hisswell; moan'n I touch his swell; wait'nfor him to dip in my womanly wellNibble'n his ear; kiss'n his neck; trail'n mytongue down his body caress'n my baby'sbehind; not leave'n an inch uncoveredmy lips pass over his manhood I kiss him thereCause'n him to stand at attention not tomention the object of my intentions;its throbbing head I lovingly take him inmy mouth; savor'n it from tip to endI contend his firmness sends me on thedeep end; suckling ever so slow; it swellsa little more; I can't deny its entranceto my hot fiery body; my desire for himflows to the rim of our burning passionI mount my throbbing manhood; loving himlike a hot blooded Italian; ride'n him likea wild stallion; slide'n & glide'n I can't stopride'n feel'n our eruption about to explodelet'n go of our long awaited stream of ourorgasmic cream; sweaty bodies gleam'ndamn baby that was so good my manhoodis still stand'n up like ebony wood at attentionI willingly open up my womanly slit; bare my clitflexing my slit for him to fit his manhood of mypassion & pleasure into my fiery hot pit; heabsorbs my heat; bring'n both of us to the peakof our orgasmic flow ready to blow; we havefound bliss in the passion we seek; make'n usboth weak after pleasing each others sweet treat
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